Modern Pearl Brooch


Wedding brooches and embellishments are made available for our clients world-wide at lowest factory prices imaginable. If you ever find one of our products is sold overpriced you can e-mail us, we stand behind our low prices!

SKU: M0536B Category: Tags: , , , ,

Contemporary creation of a pearl brooch with flower look. Silver plated and polished surface facing rhinestone crystal with a blush pink matt pearl brooch in it’s center.
Use pearl brooches from embellishing your wedding dress, bridesmaid embellishment or to embellish invitation cards, wedding folder, envelopes or boxes.
Our high quality products in the embellishment category and competitive prices made us the first choice when it comes to high end embellishments, brooches and rhinestone crystal ornaments in Thailand.

Product measurements: 28 mm diameter
Color: Silver with blush pink or selectable ivory pearl
Usage: Embellishment for dresses occasionally bridesmaid dress, groom dress, table decoration embellishment or for luxury wedding invitations
Special: All our brooches, ornaments and embellishments feature imported A GRADE rhinestone crystal

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